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Book: Advanced Engineering Mathematics 10th Edition by Erwin Kreyszig

Book: Advanced Engineering Mathematics 10th Edition by Erwin Kreyszig
This book provides a comprehensive, thorough, and up-to-date treatment of engineering mathematics. It is intended to introduce students of engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science, and related fields to those areas of applied mathematics that are most relevant for solving practical problems. A course in elementary calculus is the sole prerequisite.
The parts of the book are kept independent. In addition, individual chapters are kept as independent as possible. (If so needed, any prerequisites—to the level of individual sections of prior chapters—are clearly stated at the opening of each chapter.) We give the instructor maximum flexibility in selecting the material and tailoring it to his or her need. The book has helped to pave the way for the present development of engineering mathematics. This new edition will prepare the student for the current tasks and the future by a modern approach to the areas listed above. We provide the material and learning tools for the students to get a good foundation of engineering mathematics that will help them in their careers and in further studies.

General Features of the Book Include:

• Simplicity of examples to make the book teachable—why choose complicated examples when simple ones are as instructive or even better?
• Independence of parts and blocks of chapters to provide flexibility in tailoring courses to specific needs.
• Self-contained presentation, except for a few clearly marked places where a proof would exceed the level of the book and a reference is given instead.
• Gradual increase in difficulty of material with no jumps or gaps to ensure an enjoyable teaching and learning experience.
• Modern standard notation to help students with other courses, modern books, and journals in mathematics, engineering, statistics, physics, computer science, and others.
Furthermore, we designed the book to be a single, self-contained, authoritative, and convenient source for studying and teaching applied mathematics, eliminating the need for time-consuming searches on the Internet or time-consuming trips to the library to get a particular reference book.

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