This book has been written at a time of change in European concrete practice, particularly in respect of specifying for durability. The introduction to European practice of non-harmonised standard EN 206–1 Concrete – Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity represents a significant step in raising awareness of the need to consider each potential deterioration mechanism when specifying concrete from a durability perspective. Despite this significant step, those who contributed to the drafting of the standard would not see it as reaching the journey’s end in respect of the methodology for specifying durable concrete. It will in time be seen as a first generation European standard.
First, it provides an overview in respect of deterioration mechanisms for specifiers who find that, in applying the principles of new European Standard EN 206–1, they want to know a little bit more about each phenomenon that can lead to durability failure. Second, it presents a state-of-the-art review for postgraduate researchers about to embark on the task of advancing our understanding and modelling of a particular degradation mechanism. Third, it is a source of reference for undergraduates of engineering, architecture and
building technology, and students of advanced concrete technology who find a need to read up on a particular deterioration process as part of their coursework.
building technology, and students of advanced concrete technology who find a need to read up on a particular deterioration process as part of their coursework.