Types of Rigid Pavements

"Concrete pavements" commonly referred to as "Rigid Pavements" are and efficient and sometimes the best solution for particular areas like areas having high moisture content and excess water from subsurface as well as surface sources.Rigid pavements are also suitable for areas with shallow water table.

Three types of concrete pavements are commonly used,

Jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP) has transverse joints spaced less than about 5 m apart and no reinforcing steel in the slab. JPCP may, however, contain steel dowel bars across transverse joints and steel tie bars across longitudinal joints.
Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement(JPCP)
Jointed reinforced concrete pavement (JRCP) has transverse joints spaced about 9 to 12 m apart and contains steel reinforcement in the slab. The steel reinforcement is designed to hold tightly together any  transverse cracks that develop in the slab. Dowel bars and tie bars are also used at all transverse and  longitudinal joints, respectively.

Continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP)
Continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) has no regularly spaced transverse joints and  contains more steel reinforcement than JRCP. The high steel content influences the development of transverse cracks within an acceptable spacing and serves to hold these transverse cracks tightly together. Transverse reinforcing steel is often used.

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