Thank you for your interest in sponsoring Engineersdaily. We are diligent in promoting our website and analyzing its
traffic. We take great pride in our blog’s creative and informative
content and will continue to post with integrity. And, most
importantly, we have the NICEST readers anywhere!
Our website is an engineering database which appreciates engineering and artistic creativity.
We offer 150 x150 px and 300 x 300 px image ad space monthly, or Sponsorship Text Links for 6 month periods. All sponsor payments are to be paid through
or paypal.
Sponsor’s ads can link directly to a website, store or blog. Ads can be renewed for placement at any time, but may be removed without notice at end of payment period. Ad rates are subject to change without notice. Ads must be either non-animated or in animation, (ie. slideshow.)
Please note that not all websites, products and services are a good fit for the readers, therefore not all image ads will are accepted for placement. (ie. auto parts, dating services, etc.)
If you are interested in a sponsorship opportunity with Engineersdaily, please contact us on our facebook page for rate information, availability and placement.
Engineersdaily team
We offer 150 x150 px and 300 x 300 px image ad space monthly, or Sponsorship Text Links for 6 month periods. All sponsor payments are to be paid through

Sponsor’s ads can link directly to a website, store or blog. Ads can be renewed for placement at any time, but may be removed without notice at end of payment period. Ad rates are subject to change without notice. Ads must be either non-animated or in animation, (ie. slideshow.)
Please note that not all websites, products and services are a good fit for the readers, therefore not all image ads will are accepted for placement. (ie. auto parts, dating services, etc.)
If you are interested in a sponsorship opportunity with Engineersdaily, please contact us on our facebook page for rate information, availability and placement.
Engineersdaily team