Passive Solar Systems in Buildings

This is an introduction to the passive solar technology that may be used to heat buildings. It is not about active technologies. Usually an optimal solution for a specific building and locale involves passive technology supplemented by active technologies. Active technologies are not part of this course. Passive technologies are. This will be discussed further.

  • Utilization of passive solar energy to heat buildings is fundamentally an exercise requiring an understanding of (a) the fact that heat is transferred from outside to inside a building by conduction, convection and radiation, and (b) the concept of heat sinks as a reservoir for heat storage.

  • Procedures for design of buildings to passively use solar energy for heating buildings may typically involve (a) use of shading devices to reduce heating by radiant (solar) energy in the summer and allow it in winter, (b) utilize thermal convection (i.e. hot air rises) to maximize heating by convection in winter, and (c) utilize thermal storage (mass-effect) to transfer excess heating capacity from daylight to nighttime hours. 

  • This is an introductory course intended to tell you about basic systems and climate considerations underlying the passive utilization of solar energy to heat buildings. It is not intended to be a definitive design manual that can be used for feasibility studies, design analyses and building design.

2.1 Direct Gain Heating
Direct gain buildings are passive solar heating systems in which sunlight is introduced directly to the living space through windows or other glazed apertures as indicated schematically in Figure 1. As with all passive solar systems, it is important that the apertures face south or near south in order to achieve high solar gains during the winter heating season and low solar gains during the summer cooling season.

Thermal storage mass is essential to the performance and comfort of direct gain buildings. A building that has inadequate mass will overheat and require ventilation, which entails a loss of heat that might otherwise have been stored for night time use. Generally, it is desirable to employ structural mass as a storage medium in order to take advantage of the improved economics associated with multiple use. Insulation should always be placed on the outside of massive elements of the building shell rather than on the inside in order to reduce heat Losses without isolating the mass from the living space. Concrete floor slabs can contribute to the heat capacity of a building provided they are not isolated by carpets and cushioning pads. Heat losses from the slab can be limited by placing perimeter insulation on the outside of the foundation walls. If the structure is fairly light, the heat capacity can be effectively increased by placing water containers in the interior. A variety of attractive containers are available commercially.

An overhang, illustrated in Figure 1, is used to shade the solar aperture from the high summer sun while permitting rays from the low winter sun to penetrate and warn the inside of the building. In climates having particularly warm and sunny summers, an overhang may not be sufficient to prevent significant aggravation of the summer cooling load. Sky diffuse and ground reflected radiation enter the living space despite the presence of an overhang and must be blocked by external covers or internal shades. Using movable insulation on direct gain apertures has the advantage of reducing night time heat losses during the winter-as well as eliminating unwanted solar gains during the summer.

Direct gain buildings involve less departure from conventional construction than other types of passive solar systems and are therefore cheaper and more readily accepted by most occupants. However, they are subject to overheating, glare, and fabric degradation if not carefully designed; these problems can be minimized by distributing the sunlight admitted to the building as uniformly as possible through appropriate window placement and the use of diffusive blinds or glazing materials. When properly designed for their location, direct gain buildings provide an effective means of reducing energy consumption for space heating without sacrifice of comfort or aesthetic values.

2.2 Daylighting
The daylight delivered to the interior of direct gain buildings is an additional resource that is available year-round. Pleasing uniform illumination can be achieved by using blinds that reflect sunlight toward white diffusive ceilings. The artificial lighting system in many buildings imposes a significant load on the cooling system that may be reduced by daylighting because the fraction of visible light in the solar spectrum is greater than the visible fraction of incandescent or fluorescent lighting.

2.3 Radiant Panels
Radiant panels are simple passive solar systems that are inexpensive and well suited as retrofits to metal buildings. A sketch of a radiant panel system is presented in Figure 2. Note that the solar aperture consists of one or more layers of glazing material placed over an uninsulated metal panel. The metal panel would ordinarily be a part of the building shell so that a retrofit is constructed by simply glazing an appropriate area on the south side of the structure. Any insulation or other poorly conducting material should be removed from the inner surface of the glazed portion of the metal panel to facilitate heat transfer to the interior.

Solar radiation is absorbed on the outer surface of the metal panel after passing through the glazings. The panel becomes hot and gives up heat to the interior by radiation and convection. Thermal mass must be included inside the building shell as with direct gain systems. Usually, only a concrete slab will be available before retrofitting a metal building and it may sometimes be necessary to add water containers to achieve the desired thermal capacitance. Radiant panels perform on a par with direct gain buildings and are likely to be less expensive when used as retrofits to metal buildings.
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