An Excel 2010 Template for Reinforced Concrete Sections to BS 8110 in Bi-Axial Shear, Bending and Tension or Compression. Re-bars can be randomly located in the section. Details can be saved/retrieved for up to 1 million sections. Auto Analysis allows unattended analyses and optional printing of results.
RC Beam-Column-Tie is an Excel spreadsheet for calculating the shear and bending moment capacities of rectangular reinforced concrete sections under axial compression or tension. The calculated shear capacities are in two directions as non-concurrent. The calculated bending moment capacities are in two directions as non-concurrent and bi-axial as concurrent.
RC Beam-Column-Tie is an Excel spreadsheet for calculating the shear and bending moment capacities of rectangular reinforced concrete sections under axial compression or tension. The calculated shear capacities are in two directions as non-concurrent. The calculated bending moment capacities are in two directions as non-concurrent and bi-axial as concurrent.
Sections can be singly, doubly or randomly reinforced to resist axial load and bending. They can also have links to enhance their shear resistance. The capacities are calculated using BS 8110-1. The applied axial load can be any value in the range of pure compression capacity as a maximum positive upper value and pure tension capacity as a maximum negative lower value.