Magazine: Azure (Design, Architecture & Interiors) July, August 2014

Magazine: Azure (Design, Architecture & Interiors) July, August 2014
Azure magazine has been an inspiration equally for designers, architects and exterior & interior decorators. With its amazing and inspirational stuff, it has been a trend setter for years. 

Amid a crowded field, the AZ Awards have continued to grow in stature and numbers. This year, 652 entries poured in from 36 countries, from as far away as El Salvador and Lebanon. In part, the increased global reach reflects what this year’s jurors told us, as others have in the past: that peer recognition is vital to attaining professional excellence, and it can be difficult to achieve. At no other time can a group of experts step outside of their own practices and honour the great work of others.

Below can be downloaded the July, August 2014 volume of this superb magazine. Please do not forget to like us and comment below if you like it.

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