40 Engineering Message Boards & Forums to Bookmark

If you are an engineering student, professional or anyone related to engineering profession, this valuable list of handy forums and message boards to discuss your problems and access valuable content is essential.

General Engineering Forums
General Engineering Forums

  1. CR4: This forum focuses on a variety of engineering topics, including mechanical, electrical and sustainable engineering.
  2. Crazy Engineers: The threads here focus on electrical and electronics, computer science and IT, mechanical and auto, civil and structural, chemical and other engineering trades.
  3. Eng-Tips Forums: This forum venue is broken down into specific engineer groups, such as aeronautic engineers and electrical engineers.
  4. Engineer Board: This board focuses on PE exam prep for civil, mechanical, electrical, environmental, structural and chemical engineers.
  5. EngineerDir: Although not as active as some boards, this site carries a variety of engineering topics, ranging from aerospace to materials engineering.
  6. Engineers Edge: Engineers Edge is dedicated to developing and maintaining a friendly online community, where members of all ages and technical backgrounds feel relaxed and comfortable.
  7. Enjineer: This forum carries threads about computer science and IT engineering, mechanical, electrical, civil and chemical engineering.
  8. Physics Forums: A great forum designed for any engineer who has a fascination for physics, but dealing specifically with mechanical, electrical, materials and chemical and nuclear engineering.

Civil and Environmental Engineer Forums

  1. Civil EA: This is the forum for Civil Engineering Association. They also have a link to their Facebook page.
  2. Civil Engineering Bulletin: This forum is categorized into threads about academia, structural engineering, geo-engineering, transportation and environmental engineering.
  3. Civil Engineering Forums: Learn more about surfacewater, watershed and urban infrastructure modeling.
  4. Civil Engineering Forums by the Civil Engineer: Help yourself to forums and boards that help in the enhancement of civil engineering information circulation and communication.
  5. CSE Forum: This forum is divided into civil, structural and general forums, with topics such as water supply, concrete, foundations and GIS and surveying.
  6. Water and Wastewater Help Forums: This forum answers questions for students and professionals and offers a job board as well.

Electrical Engineer Forums

  1. EEWeb forum: This forum is for the electrical engineering community for talk about jobs, tools and resources in this field.
  2. Electrical Engineering community forum: This is an open forum on Facebook, where users comment and ask questions of other electrical engineers.
  3. Electrical Engineer Jobs Forum: Located at Indeed, a job search engine, forum users talk about electrical engineering exams, degrees and jobs.
  4. Electronics Point: This site contains forums as well as tutorials, calculators and other tools that can help you in your electrical engineering career.
  5. My Electrical Engineering: The forums are part of a larger site that contains a wiki, posts, tools and news.

Mechanical Engineer Forums

  1. CNC Zone: There is a mechanical engineering forum on this site, but the link leads to the home page, in case you want to absorb the other topics offered in what is billed as the “largest machinist community on the net.”
  2. Mechanical Design Forum: Join this forum’s discussions on mechanical design, manufacturers, CAD, legal issues and employment opportunities.
  3. Mechanical Engineering: This forum centers on mechanical engineering careers, including freelancing, internships, interviews, resumes, jobs and much more.
  4. Mechanical Engineering Forum: This is a community for all mechanical engineering professionals, students and enthusiasts.
  5. Mechanical Engineering Forums: This site is a portal for blogs, chat, videos, downloads and forums about mechanical engineering.

Electronic and Computer Science Forums

  1. Computer Engineering: This forum focuses on community, programming and careers.
  2. Computer Hope: This forum focuses on Microsoft issues, hardware, software, Internet and networking and computer news.
  3. Computer Science Engineering community forum: This Facebook open forum supports a community for computer science engineering.
  4. Electronics Engineering Discussions: Also known as iPooL, this is a community forum for electronics and communication engineering discussions and support.
  5. Neowin Forums: Neowin is a technology news site that actively focuses on Windows, PCs, Mac and Linux. This link leads to their active forums.
  6. Seminar Projects Forum: This forum focuses on computer science and electronics and communications projects, with thousands of topics.
  7. Virtual Engineer Forums: This forum is for those engineers who work in digital mediums such as Internet streaming, television, radio, and who want to learn more about FCC insights.

Chemical Engineer Forums

  1. AIChE Forums: Members of this association for chemical engineers and non members alike can join the forums located on this site. Enjoy a wide variety of topics.
  2. Chemical Engineering: Join this forum to talk about chemical engineering applications an d career enhancement in the field of chemical engineering.
  3. Chemical Forums: Introduce yourself and move directly into topics such as pyrotechnics gas generators, solvent for diesel oil, and how to scrub H2S from CO2.
  4. Cheresources Forums: This forum is dedicated to chemical engineering and tackles topics such as global warming, the power industry and biorefineries.

Miscellaneous Engineer Forums

  1. DIY Audio Engineering: Easy to follow general discussions on everything that you’d want to know about home sound design.
  2. Fire Engineering: The forum on this fire engineering portal is just part of the larger picture, including training, community, tools, resources and educational information.
  3. Forum Jar Industrial Engineering Forum: This forum is a place where people who are interested in Industrial engineering come together and discuss about Industrial engineering. Check out related forums in the right column.
  4. Sound Engineering Forums: Recording.org provides a forum to talk about home studios and recording, professional recording and the instruments and gear that make sound production fun.
  5. Surface Engineering Forum: Based out of the UK, this forum focuses on surface engineering topics only. Talk about products and services as well as member resources.
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